A Blue Eye Samurai charity fanzine
raising money for Palestine

Bubbles on the Water is a Blue Eye Samurai charity fanzine. It is completely non-profit and collaborative.We are creating this zine in efforts to raise money for Palestinians in the Gaza strip suffering from the current ethnic cleansing of their people and land by settler colonialist, Israel. It has recently come to the attention of many lovers of Blue Eye Samurai (which is a show heavily dealing with colonialism) that the co-creator, Michael Green, is a Zionist. Due to this many of us have decided to boycott the show on Netflix, but we've decided to go a step further and create this zine using his characters and story to help aid Palestinians.
We've chosen to donate all our profit to Care For Gaza.This Zine will be centered around Mizu and her interpersonal relationships. Her efforts in her quest for vengeance often amount to nothing : her self-hatred only serves to hinder her in her struggles. We want to showcase how the relationships she develops help Mizu become stronger and grow as a person. (The relationships can be familial, platonic, romantic, etc.) While we would like to see pieces exploring Mizu and her relationship with other people, it could also be interesting to see entries that probes at the relationship she has with herself (relating to her self-hatred, her gender, anything.) We want this zine to be as creative and free as possible.

Event | Date |
Zine Release | Apr 7th |
*Schedule may be subject to change
Last updated: March 31 2024
Please read the FAQs below to see if you can find the answer to your question! If you have any further inquiries, feel free to contact us via our socials or email.
Q: Where can I find information about Palestine and the ongoing genocide?
A: We recommend doing research on your own and following Palestinian reporters on social medias who are sharing information in real time for us to see.
Here's a good resource of information concerning Palestine to get you started.Q: What is a zine?
A: A zine is a small-circulation self-published work of original or appropriated texts and images. Zines are the product of either a single person or of a very small group, and are popularly photocopied into physical prints for circulation. A fanzine is a non-professional and non-official publication produced by fans of a particular book, movie, show and others for the pleasure of people who share their interest.Q: Where will the funds go?
A: This zine is a non-profit zine. All earnings will be donated to Care For Gaza.Q: Will this zine have a physical copy?
A: No, this zine will not have a physical version. This includes merch.Q: Will contributors receive a free copy of this zine?
A: Yes, contributors will get a free PDF of the zine.Q: Will you open contributor applications for this zine?
A: Yes. If the interest check goes well, we aim to open applications and accept as many people as possible.Q: Will there be a Discord server?
A: Yes, there will be a Discord server for the contributors. We will use Discord to communicate updates and information (as well as create a space to share ideas and work in progress). However, you do not need to join the discord server to participate in the zine since we will also be sending out emails for that same function. You may also communicate with us through our social medias if any issue arises.Q: What will be the rating of the zine?
A: It is PG13.Q: Who can apply?
A: Anybody 16+ can apply, no matter the experience they have with creating art for fanzines.Q: Will there be spoilers in the zine?
A: Yes. We allow spoilers within the creations for the zine. The Discord server will also not be spoiler-free.Q: How long will the project be?
A: Roughly one month. We want to get this out as fast as possible. We recommend already starting to think about your ideas for your entry.Q: How many people will be accepted into the zine?
A: Since this is a digital zine and we don't have to worry about printing, we want to accept as many contributors as possible.Q: What kind of creations will be in the zine?
A: We encourage all sorts of fan content to be created. We'd love to see the 'usual' fanart and fanfiction but poems, collages and other forms of art are accepted. Anything goes, as long as it can be digitalized and it fits the theme!Q: Is there already a set group of artists participating in the zine?
A: As of now, there is only the two co-runners of this zine, Garnet and Mickey (link to mods), who are committed to participating in the zine. The zine applications open on November 27 and the results will be sent via email on December 4.Q: How will you verify that the proceeds will go to Palestine?
A: We will keep track of the revenues of the zine once we start selling it and show the public proof of the transaction(s) to whichever charity(/ies) we end up choosing.Q: Can we insert an Original Character or a Character from another book/movie/show in our zine piece?
A: No. The zine is solely about the characters within the show Blue Eye Samurai.Q: Will people who support problematic relationships be allowed in this zine?
A: For the safety and comfort of everyone involved with the zine, we will not be allowing anyone who condones problematic content— fictional or not— in the zine. This includes topics like pedophilia, incest, rape, and sexual assault.
*Last updated: Apr 7 2023

organisation, management, & social media
Hey, I'm Garnet! This is my first time co-running and being in a zine, but I'll be doing my best! I really love Blue Eye Samurai and am really excited to put that love into a zine raising money for the Palestinians in Gaza who are suffering from this genocide.

management, formatting, graphics & design, social media
Hello I'm Mickey. I've been in a few zines before, but this is also my first time co-running one. It's a really exciting project. I hope our love and our art can help a lot of people.
Please remember to keep informing yourself, keep boycotting brands supporting Israel and products from Israel, keep signing petitions, and keep using your voice to uplift the Palestinians'.
Criterias for Contributors
✶ All contributors will be responsible for creating a new original piece centered around Mizu and her inter-personal relationship(s).
✶ Applicants must be at least 16 or older. (Please be aware that adults will be working on and running this zine – use discretion.)
✶ Discord and emails will be our main sources of communication. It's encouraged of you to join the server as communication via Discord will be easier, but it is not an obligation. Providing an email is obligatory.
✶ Responsiveness is a must. We recognize that this is a non-profit project and life and other responsibilities can get in the way. However, if contributors or the mods themselves do not communicate with the rest of our team, we cannot appropriately accommodate you. If you need to step down, or need a deadline extension, please let us know ASAP.
✶ Applicants who create or condone offensive or discriminatory (racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, incestuous, pedophilic, etc.) content/behaviour, fictional or otherwise, will not be accepted.
✶ Applicants who create or support NFTs, AI art, or writing using generative language models such as ChatGPT will not be accepted.
✶ Our mod team retains the right to dismiss contributors at any time for not following the guidelines.
✶ Submit a link to their portfolio which contains multiple examples of their artworks. (It can also be a link to one of their social media, but they must make sure their art is easy to find.)
✶ If they plan on making a comic for the zine, they must make sure to include examples of their comics in their portfolio.
✶ Portfolio samples must be SFW. (Including social media provided.)
✶ Submissions will be evaluated by our mod team on colour, concept, and composition.
✶ If accepted, page artists will be responsible for a single-page illustration or two page spread.
✶ Submit 2-3 completed sample PDF pieces demonstrating their work, each with a maximum word count of 3k words.
✶ Samples can be excerpts from longer works as long as it can be read as a standalone.
✶ Application samples must be SFW.
✶ Submissions will be evaluated by our mod team on formatting, style, and characterization.
✶ If accepted, writers will be responsible for creating a 3k word (or less) short story, a meta essay/article, or a poem.
✶ Submit multiple samples of their work in their portfolio with good image quality
✶ All samples must be SFW.
✶ Applicants must not use NFTs, AI art, or write using generative language models such as ChatGPT.